Family Co-Op
A place for families…
Our Family Co-op is a place for parents/caregivers and their children (birth – 5yrs) to gather and learn together. Through books, songs, games and activities, the importance of community and social connection is celebrated.
Parents and caregivers are a child’s first and most important teachers and role-models. Parenting young children is a special responsibility that can be learned from experience and from strong social connections with other parents/caregivers. A child's relationship with their parents/caregivers lay the foundation for future relationships with family, friends, and the community.
By coming together, families can provide support for one another, learn from one another, and model for their children the meaning and importance of community. Thus, teaching children how to build positive friendships and strong social support provides them with skills and support that are critical for social and academic success and promotes resilience.
We want all of our families to have a voice in what we do and how we do it and to be active in every aspect of our programing.
Where & when…
We currently meet at the First United Methodist Church Parsonage in Tracy City.
Classes are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00am - 11:00am. We encourage parents to stay for as many class sessions as they are able, but they also have the option to drop their children off if they are unable to stay. Our goal with this system is to foster a place where parents can rely on one another for support in raising their children.